Andrea Carrillo Iglesias
Rise to the Sky
Throughout time, ‘Space’ and ‘Sky’ have symbolized an unknown territory, a utopian surface to which we speculate and dream. ‘Rise to the Sky’ is an audio piece, a collage of documents reflecting upon the connection between the MIT Center for Advanced Visual Studies and Sky and Space practices, and subsequently its relationship to NASA.
Created by Andrea Carrillo Iglesias as part of: Don't Erase till Monday / Experimental Publishing and Archival Research by Bik Van der Pol. Selected material courtesy of: CAVS Special Collection, MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology.
A lo largo del tiempo, "Espacio" y "Cielo" han simbolizado un territorio desconocido, una superficie utópica sobre la que especulamos y soñamos. "Rise to the Sky" es una pieza de audio, un collage de documentos que reflejan la conexión entre el Centro de Estudios Visuales Avanzados del MIT y las prácticas del cielo y el espacio y, posteriormente, su relación con la NASA.
Creado por Andrea Carrillo Iglesias como parte de: Don't Erase until Monday / Experimental Publishing and Archival Research por Bik Van der Pol. Material seleccionado cortesía de: Colección Especial CAVS, Programa de MIT en Arte, Cultura y Tecnología.

Rise to the Sky
A small collection of desires, dreams and fears about space and sky | 19:55 min
(Una pequeña colección de deseos, sueños y miedos sobre el espacio y el cielo | 19:55 min)
A small collection of desires, dreams and fears about space and sky | 19:55 min
(Una pequeña colección de deseos, sueños y miedos sobre el espacio y el cielo | 19:55 min)
TRACK 1 | 00:00
Also sprach Zarathustra, Richard Strauss, 1896
2001: A Space Odyssey (Soundtrack), Stanley Kubrick, 1968
Also sprach Zarathustra, Richard Strauss, 1896
2001: A Space Odyssey (Soundtrack), Stanley Kubrick, 1968
TRACK 2 | 01:24
Apollo 11 Lift Of
NASA sound recording, July 16, 1969
The massive Saturn V rocket lifted off from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center with astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin at 9:32 a.m. EDT.
Apollo 11 Lift Of
NASA sound recording, July 16, 1969
The massive Saturn V rocket lifted off from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center with astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin at 9:32 a.m. EDT.
TRACK 3 | 2:02
Otto Piene 1
Transcript of On-Air Report on: Sky Art Conference 1981 by Don Lee (Of WBUR_FM, Boston) for National Public Radio.
Otto Piene 1
Transcript of On-Air Report on: Sky Art Conference 1981 by Don Lee (Of WBUR_FM, Boston) for National Public Radio.
1. A leading figure in kinetic and technology-based art, Otto Piene was born in Bad Laasphe, Germany in 1928. After studying painting and art education at the Academy of Art in Munich and the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, and philosophy at the University of Cologne, Piene founded the influential Group Zero in Düsseldorf with Heinz Mack and Günther Uecker in 1957.
(ES) Una figura destacada del arte cinético y basado en tecnológica, Otto Piene nació en Bad Laasphe, Alemania en 1928. Después de estudiar pintura y educación artística en la Academia de Arte de Múnich y la Kunstakademie de Düsseldorf, y filosofía en la Universidad de Colonia, Piene fundó el influyente Group Zero en Düsseldorf con Heinz Mack y Günther Uecker en 1957.
TRACK 4 | 02:45
Sky Kiss, Charlotte Moorman (Interview)
Art piece produced by Otto Piene. Are Electronica / Sky Art Conference, Linz, Austria, 1982
Sky Kiss, Charlotte Moorman (Interview)
Art piece produced by Otto Piene. Are Electronica / Sky Art Conference, Linz, Austria, 1982
TRACK 5 | 06:07
Cosmology, Paul Earls, 1995
Electronic Music of Paul Earls 1968-1993
Cosmology, Paul Earls, 1995
Electronic Music of Paul Earls 1968-1993
TRACK 6 | 06:47
2001: A Space Odyssey, Stanley Kubrick, 1968
Excerpt: Hello Hal do you read me
2001: A Space Odyssey, Stanley Kubrick, 1968
Excerpt: Hello Hal do you read me
TRACK 7 | 08:56
Houston we have a problem 2
NASA sound recording, April 14, 1970.
Houston we have a problem 2
NASA sound recording, April 14, 1970.
2. Announcement made by Commander Jim Lovell following the explosion of an oxygen tank which tore off the side of the spacecraft service module. Houston, we have a problem’ was used later as the tagline for the 1995 film - Apollo 13. The use of the tagline in the film brought about a renewal in its use, from then onwards, it began being used in non-spaceflight contexts.
NASA’s Mission Control Center was planned to be built right next to MIT in the Kendall Square area. The myth goes that if it wasn’t for Kennedy’s assassination, the NASA would have been built in Kennedy’s hometown as he was a local Massachusetts man—that NASA decided to move Mission Control to Houston, conveniently, in Texas, the home state of President Lyndon B. Johnson. If NASA had established by Charles River, the famous phrase would have been, ‘Cambridge, we have a problem’.
(ES) Anuncio hecho por el comandante Jim Lovell luego de la explosión de un tanque de oxígeno que se desprendió del costado del módulo de servicio de la nave espacial. Houston, tenemos un problema' se utilizó más tarde como lema para la película de 1995 - Apollo 13. El uso del lema en la película provocó una renovación en su uso, a partir de entonces, comenzó a utilizarse en contextos no espaciales.
Se planeó construir el Centro de Control de Misión de la NASA junto al MIT en el área de Kendall Square. El mito dice que si no hubiera sido por el asesinato de Kennedy, la NASA se habría construido en la ciudad natal de Kennedy ya que él era un hombre local de Massachusetts, que la NASA decidió trasladar Mission Control a Houston, convenientemente, en Texas, el estado natal del presidente. Lyndon B. Johnson. Si la NASA se hubiera establecido por Charles River, la famosa frase habría sido "Cambridge, tenemos un problema".
TRACK 8 | 09:22
Graduation Gestures, Paul Earls, 1995
Electronic Music of Paul Earls 1968-1993
Graduation Gestures, Paul Earls, 1995
Electronic Music of Paul Earls 1968-1993
TRACK 9 | 10:37
Lunar Embassy 3
Commentary by QuasiLuminous (youtube)
Lunar Embassy 3
Commentary by QuasiLuminous (youtube)
3. Dennis Hope, head of the Lunar Embassy Corporation, has sold real estate on the moon and other planets to about 3.7 million people so far. He register a claim to owning the Moon in 1980 due to an apparent Lunar Loophole: in where The treaty prohibits countries from claiming property in space, but not individuals. Therefore he was “able” to claim ownership.
(ES) Dennis Hope, director de la Corporación de la Embajada Lunar, ha vendido propiedades inmobiliarias en la Luna y otros planetas a alrededor de 3,7 millones de personas hasta ahora. Él registró un reclamo de poseer la Luna en 1980 debido a una aparente laguna lunar: en donde el tratado prohíbe a los países reclamar propiedades en el espacio, pero no a individuos. Por lo tanto, pudo "reclamar" la propiedad.
Track 10 | 11:27
We choose to go to the moon
(address at Rice University on the Nation’s Space Effort”. Speech by John. F. Kennedy At Ricen Stadium, Houston Texas, September 12, 1962.
We choose to go to the moon
(address at Rice University on the Nation’s Space Effort”. Speech by John. F. Kennedy At Ricen Stadium, Houston Texas, September 12, 1962.
TRACK 11 | 11:54
The politics of outer space, Jill Stuart, 2014. Lecture
The politics of outer space, Jill Stuart, 2014. Lecture
TRACK 12 | 12:28
Space Oddity, David Bowie, 1968
Space Oddity, David Bowie, 1968
TRACK 13 | 14:46
Pierre-Alain Hubert
Essay circa 1981
Pierre-Alain Hubert
Essay circa 1981
TRACK 14 | 15:07
Icarus, Opera with music by: Paul Earls. Text by: Otto Piene and Ian Strasfogel, SKY ART Conference ‘82, CAVS/MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts at Ars Electronica/Brucknerfest, Linz, Austria, 1982
Icarus, Opera with music by: Paul Earls. Text by: Otto Piene and Ian Strasfogel, SKY ART Conference ‘82, CAVS/MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts at Ars Electronica/Brucknerfest, Linz, Austria, 1982
TRACK 15 | 16:22
Time-Light-Space Relationship, Dale Eldred (with Roberta Lord), 1987
On Radio Wilderness
Time-Light-Space Relationship, Dale Eldred (with Roberta Lord), 1987
On Radio Wilderness
TRACK 16 | 17:12
Monday Music, Paul Earls, 1995
Electronic Music of Paul Earls 1968-1993
Monday Music, Paul Earls, 1995
Electronic Music of Paul Earls 1968-1993
TRACK 17 | 17:48
The politics of outer space, Jill Stuart, 2014. Lecture (continuation)
The politics of outer space, Jill Stuart, 2014. Lecture (continuation)
TRACK 18 | 18:40
Sky Manifesto 4, Excerpt, 1986. Written by Otto Piene, Lowry Burgess and Elizabeth Goldring.
Sky Manifesto 4, Excerpt, 1986. Written by Otto Piene, Lowry Burgess and Elizabeth Goldring.
4. The Manifesto embody environmental sky art and future sky art projections as interpreted by the SKY ART Conferences, a series of four international conferences spanning a 5-year period from 1981 to 1986. Each SKY ART Conference brought together artists as well as scientists, engineers and public officials from many countries and included exhibitions, lectures, panels, events, installations and a catalogue. These efforts constituted a determined attempt to document the emerging field of sky art and to discover and project forms of art in space. The SKY ART Manifesto is a working document drafted at the ‘86 SKY ART Conference. It offers artistic commitment to the future of art in space as an integral part of international exploration.
(ES) El Manifiesto encarna el arte del cielo ambiental y las proyecciones del arte del cielo futuro interpretadas por las conferencias SKY ART, una serie de cuatro conferencias internacionales que abarcan un período de cinco años desde 1981 a 1986. Cada conferencia SKY ART reunió a artistas y científicos, ingenieros y funcionarios públicos de muchos países e incluyó exposiciones, conferencias, paneles, eventos, instalaciones y un catálogo. Estos esfuerzos constituyeron un intento decidido de documentar el campo emergente del arte del cielo y de descubrir y proyectar formas de arte en el espacio. El Manifiesto SKY ART es un documento de trabajo redactado en la Conferencia SKY ART '86. Ofrece un compromiso artístico con el futuro del arte en el espacio como parte integral de la exploración internacional.
TRACK 19 | 19:06
Monday Music, continuation
Monday Music, continuation